目前分類:心情筆記 (268)

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        Since I came to the United States, WTAMU finally did a right thing that was to install MSN messenger for all students after rebuilt operating system. Maybe there are many students intend to use it when using computers in the HELC. Before rebuilt operating system, students did not have any authorized access to use MSN messenger. Therefore, students only can use webmessenger or something else to chat with friends like eBuddy. Whatever, WT finally did a right thing for students. That is great. But I am not sure whether other students find it or not. It does not matter because I found it in an accident.

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  • Nov 05 Thu 2009 21:09
  • Days


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Are my expected day

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        Recently, everything seems to go back to the origin. It moves backward, not forward. Of course, it is not about class, but I have to keep working harder on my class businesses. Going back to the origin should not happen because it is not right. It is losing control. Probably some people may think that it is not too bad because everything could restart and erase bad things or memories. Hopefully, it could go smoothly.

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        When I woke up this morning, one thing surprised me cause the time has changed, one hour behind. But my cellphone did not change. How come both of laptop and cellphone indicates different time. All of them I have set it to automatically adjust time for me when meet daylight saving time. Why? The difference between laptop and cellphone is always there and it causes me confuse on which one I depend. Once the confusion made me miss the opportunity to get extra point for my course score cause I depended on the time on each one of them. Fortunately, I passed that course; otherwise, I was going to die so much. How come? Could anybody tell me what is going on?

georgeyu30 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

        This morning, I came to computer lab to use computer. Yet, the service was down. The information desk told me engineers had already fixed this system. I was waiting for loging in. I have some questions for these engineers even for college. First of all, I do not believe that the system died just one or two hours ago. Why do they work ineffectively on fixing? Second, the question does connect to the first one. suppose the system exactly just died within one hour, how come they did not show the message that the system was down on monitor that we slide our Buffo Card to tell each user about this problem. Third, I do not understand why the computer either in library or in the computer lab always has some problems. Sometimes the internet is down. Sometimes the computer is out of order. The percentage of problems is too high to tolerate them. The problems are always taken place all the time. Damn employees and engineers. College should return our computer fee to us because we always use the fucking computer or internet. I am not afraid to let American know. Damn all American. What the country has mature high-tech is just a lie. Only work effectively on money. Stupid race and fucking race. I cannot tolarate you.

georgeyu30 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 27 Tue 2009 04:15
  • 4:15

Right now

It is at 4:15 in the morning

It is the same as before

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        Right now, I am working on my IDM midterm exam. A lots of descriptions and explanations to our questions that our professor gave us in advance is to make my brain cell die cause I have to memorize all of them. Also, I have more confidence to get B on this exam if my answers are exact correct and nothing missing. The following exam is FIN that is at third chance. Hopefully, I could get B at this time, but I have no idea about how to study cause the handout the professor gave us is tricky and many of 55 questions are not from the handout. That is about where I am worrying. But at this moment, I should focus more on my IDM exam because our professor seem to dislike Chinese students. That is, all of us, Chinese students, think he has racial discrimination even though he is also an Western Asian. He never care about his student. Therefore, I would like to lower his score on the survey that it is going to be taken place two or three weeks before final even it is anonymous. Another professor, my FIN professor, is the same as my IDM professor. Whatever, I would like to tell my professors that just give B to pass this semester even though both of them always ignore students' life and death.

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        Yesterday, I just finished my FIN exam at second chance. Although we have third chance to take exam and I would like to take it again, I have to prepare for my IDM exam. Yet the answer is difficult to find out. Some of 20 questions are easy to find out from textbook, slide, or notes from being given by our professor. The rest of the questions are not easy to find out. However, I need to finish my note before tomorrow night because I need to spend at least two days to study. If I do not finish in time that I expected, I will be dangerous for my final score even for my GPA. Of course, I got some answers for the note today already. At least I still have a little bit good news.

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        Today, I took my FIN midterm at second chance, but the score grow up only 2%. So crazy. Although we have the third chance to take this exam because I think that everybody got lower score. However, I do not have time to take one more time because I have another midterm in another class next Tuesday. It is unfair to me. But teacher insisted on it. She would not like to adjust our score. She prefer to give us one more chance. Why does every professor like ignoring students' feeling? They only care about themselves. Students always have a lot of assignments and exams within one semester and sometimes these assignments and exams come together. Therefore, I believe that many of the students in this class are going to be crazy. Right now, I am still failed. Another thing I do not understand why I meet two professors from whom each student would like to stay away. From this description, I am not a fortunate guy.

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        My IDM 6310 professor, Abdullat, is a crazy, damn, and fucking guy. I do not understand what exactly you want. You hope us to give you our outline, but you define it as a proposal. Since you want us to add more detail, why don't you ask us to finish our presentation paper directly? What the hell do you want? Outline is a brief description about our whole paper what we would like to experess. However, your definition of outline is not like this format. Damn it. At this moment, I would like to kill you. If possible, I would also like to donate a barrel of oil, a match, and a cake. I strongly think you are a damn person. Each time I go to your class, I am tired. I never feel it before. Only your class. How can you be evil? You are a devil. Actually, devil does not suit you because devil is also better than you. You are nothing. Nothing...Fuck you, Abdullat. Just go to hell and then I will be happy. I even shoot off firework to celebrate. Just dying early, Abdullate. Whatever the method you pick, just die. You never think that we have a lot of assignments and exams during this term. Additionally, you never upload course material to WTClass. You never return our assignments. You always delay replying our email. You always give us an excuse to postpone meeting us about returning our assignments. Please remember to call and tell me when you die because I would like to celebrate it.

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Tomorrow night

I have Economics 6305 mid-term exam

Oct. 17

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Is Taiwan's birthday
Country established for 98 years

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        Tonight, we held a party to celebrate Moon Festival even though this holiday had already been over for one week. However, the activities were not good during the party. Also, the host of the party always spoke Chinese. They seemed to forget that there were some American at BSM to celebrate Chinese holiday together. American could not underdstand what it means and why we always held party during important holiday. After that, they had BBQ outside BSM at parking lot, and they tended to play a game. Yet they still forgot American. They still spoke Chinese. Additionally, they told everybody they could go outside to have BBQ, but BBQ were not ready. American seemed to be a foolish. They just sat on seat and was waiting for BBQ. They were bored. So, we could image the result. They left. All activities were dancing and singing. That is, only two performances performed in the party. Therefore, I strongly believed that the party was just spent one hour. It was horrible. So, one thing I could do at this moment is to forget it. So crazy.

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        I just came back to home from Wendy's. I found that the frosty served with variety, including Oreo's and M&M's. Diversification makes their consumers have more opportunities to order products they would like. It surprises me because I never think the forsty could have different flavors with M&M's even Oreo's. On the surface, it is kind of the flavor of chocolate. Yet there still have some differentiation between normal chocolate and M&M's. Unfortunately, I dun like frosty so much. Otherewise, I would order this one to try the new products.

georgeyu30 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 03 Sat 2009 23:05
  • Home

        Start counting down, 67 days left. 67 days later, I will be in Taiwan. I hope it comes quickly, but I need to face some damn challenge from graduate school before going home. Keep going. Go go go....Hang on then everything is yours.

georgeyu30 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

        I think I am this kind of person because I have to face those whom I hate with smile. I am forced to faked smile and laugh. When did I change my personality to this one? I do not understand at all. I seemed to be another person and the person to who I am not familiar. It is weird. Odd things always happen in my life. I even cannot explain this situation. Hypocritical personality seems to be my best byword. Also, it has started controlling my life.

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        Yesterday night, I dreamed that I would like to fly to LAX (LA International Airport) from AMA (Amarillo International Airport). While arriving in Dallas Airport and trying to connect my next flight, I found out something. First of all, I forgot something important. Then I forgot to call someone to pick up. Therefore, I stayed at airport. Couple of minutes later, a Airline employee who is from Taiwan and speak Taiwanese come to talk with me and try to help me. At that moment, I am surprised and in a flurry. This dream seemed to be pretty real. I even could not tell that it is a dream or real life until I woke up.

georgeyu30 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 20 Thu 2009 09:24
  • 8/24

        It is the date to begin my fall term. That is, it is next Monday. Fall semester is going to begin...

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Fall term

Will begin after one week


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        This afternoon, I spent few hours cleaning my apartment up. I vacuumed my carpet. I do not understand why Americans like installing carpet in their house and apartment. It is difficult to maintain its clean on the carpet surface. Fortunately, I can borrow vacuum from my friend; otherwise, I have no idea about cleaning my apartment up. Because of headache, of course, I stopped cleaning it and I am supposed to keep cleaning my bathroom tomorrow. All of stuffs in bathroom includes toilet and bathtub. I hope I am going to be able to finish cleaning my bathroom up tomorrow because I would not like to delay this work.

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