
        Right now, I am working on my IDM midterm exam. A lots of descriptions and explanations to our questions that our professor gave us in advance is to make my brain cell die cause I have to memorize all of them. Also, I have more confidence to get B on this exam if my answers are exact correct and nothing missing. The following exam is FIN that is at third chance. Hopefully, I could get B at this time, but I have no idea about how to study cause the handout the professor gave us is tricky and many of 55 questions are not from the handout. That is about where I am worrying. But at this moment, I should focus more on my IDM exam because our professor seem to dislike Chinese students. That is, all of us, Chinese students, think he has racial discrimination even though he is also an Western Asian. He never care about his student. Therefore, I would like to lower his score on the survey that it is going to be taken place two or three weeks before final even it is anonymous. Another professor, my FIN professor, is the same as my IDM professor. Whatever, I would like to tell my professors that just give B to pass this semester even though both of them always ignore students' life and death.


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