目前分類:商業性質 (5)

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        The purpose of constructing Asia-Pacific Economic and Trade Center in Neihu District is to enhance Taiwan National competitiveness by ECFA with additional way such as establishing direct flights between Taipei and Shanghai. However, how much benefit Taiwan gets from here will be the main question. Even so the undeniable truth is that ECFA can exactly bring considerable opportunities and hopes that it may exceed our initial expectation to all Taiwanese. It may increase working opportunity or decrease unemployment rate. Also, when successful cooperation happen between China and Taiwan, the bilateral benefit will go up as the newspaper said few days ago. Once bilateral benefit can fit in with the policy of development of economy of both sides, win-win situation may appear and then both Taiwan and China can either strengthen relationship or reinforce global market share of export. Yet, the copycat may bring many imitations to Taiwan. Here is the problem. Too many imitations may result in quality of Taiwanese goods or products drop down. It will deeply influence Taiwan fame. Therefore, how the president Ma solve this invisible problem is his greatest challenge. Whatever, the result is good or bad, we just need to see and wait and then the outcome will show up automatically. Everything need to be started. If it starts, we get 50-50 chance to lead Taiwan to move forward. If not, only failure wait for us and we are pushed to the edge of the world.

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        如同我之前所暗示的,台灣的全球競力排名,一舉大幅衰退十名,落後給中國香港新加坡,除了海島型貿易型態外,政黨惡鬥才是競爭力大幅滑落的主因!台灣的政客,應該要去設法解決,而不是把權力用在不對的地方!權力越大,就越應該謹慎行事!然而,我所看見的,卻是魯莽的行為!這種行為,一直在台灣政治圈內流串,好像鬼打牆一樣,找不到一個出口,只能任其自行流動!這實在很要不得!此外,台灣最引以為傲的IT產業以及代工項目,也因為這波的金融風暴,大幅降低了出口貿易!在國家如此一蹶不振之際,綠營陣營卻一心只想著馬政府是否賣台、是否一心倒向中國的懷抱,這種心態實在是很要不得!報告指出,由近幾年的國際競爭力排名,可看出端倪,台灣極度有可能陷入一個很難再度崛起的窘境!隨著這波的危機,國外的採購單遲遲無法像全盛時期那般,源源不絕的湧入!此外,政治不安定的因素,也都大大的降低了外資投資的信心指數!反觀中國,除了低成本(目前應該有提高趨勢)之外,最吸引外資的就是市場大與政治的穩定!現在的台灣應該是想著如何借用80年代的經濟發展計畫,去擬出一份適合現在這個環境的經濟發展計畫!當然啦~或許有很多方面是不能夠再沿用的,但為什麼就不能好好的省思呢?藍綠的惡鬥,就好像發生內戰一樣,徹底摧殘了台灣的經濟發展!如今,外資對於台灣政治不穩定的考量,已經不太可能再回到經濟奇蹟的時代那樣的大量投資!國民兩黨,實在不該如此對待的台灣,如果這就是愛台灣,那我也無話可說!經濟衰退,直接影響GDP的數值、經濟成長率,一旦長久下去,台幣的價值勢必大大委靡,難道這也是國民黨與民進黨所謂的愛台灣嗎?那我依然還是不予置評啊!到如今才又更深的了解到,原來這樣的行為舉動,才是愛台灣!而一心想為台灣好、想救台灣經濟的政策,卻被歸類為不愛台灣!試問,這樣的台灣,真的值得我們去愛嗎?如果真的只是短短幾年的亂鬥,或是民主才剛起步三年、五年,那當然還說得過去、那當然是比較Make Sense,可是台灣的民主幾年過去了?所呈現出來的結果,有比較好嗎?我看壓根就是每下愈況吧!如果較差結果顯示的同時,台灣的民主情況有逐漸好轉跡象也就算了,還可以睜一隻眼,閉一隻眼!可是現在台灣的情況,真的又能如此嗎?



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        Japanese retail industries innovate their goods and commodities. That is, they give their suppliers numerous orders at a time for whole seasonal products. By this way, the costs exactly reduced. A jean only costs 990 because the suppliers is in slack season. Through exchange rate, it only cost less than $350 (All dollar unit are NTD). It is pretty cheap for all residences. As regard business dress, it only costs less than $10,000. Because of this reason, most of the retailers succeed in increasing rapidly in their sales volume, almost double-digital. Facing economic downturn still get incredible income with high growth rate in sales, it is an impossible mission. From this content, we can figure out that Japanese is exact to be the leader of innovation field of the world. It is veritable in innovation. Because Japaneses have good at innovation and excellent marketing strategies plus wonderful global logistic strategy, they, of course, could be the frontier of fashion and successful in marketing.

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        Taiwan KTV leader, Party World, tended to merge with its major competitor, Holiday, and negotiate with each other twice. However, the Fair Trade Commission, Executive Yuan did not give permission to both companies to combine because FTC think that it would monopolize the market if they merge with each other. Probably it would be true if we stand at FTC side to see this issue, but it is not right time to discuss this problem for the two companies. Both of them would like to go through this crisis by cooperation. This is the top priority to think of for Party World and Holiday firm. For a venture, how does its management level give enterprise huge benefit that would be the most important thing? They properly want to merge with each other because it will be good to their companies. Each management policy, of course, would have potential advantage and disadvantage. Therefore, the government should give support to ventures. That is what the firms need because only the leaders know which method will be better for them to survive in this industry.

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        The Ministry of Finance of the United States claim today that GM should shut and announce bankruptcy if GM still not reach the goal of the rearrangement condition before June 1. I do not understand why the Ministry of Finance of the United States are hurry to force GM to do it. If GM claim bankruptcy, how about the bailout being distributed from the government? The government will be wasting its bailout if GM follows the government's command. Why does the Ministry of Finance not wait and give GM more time to rearrange its financial condition? Although the Ministry of Finance claim immediately that it did not announce this announcement, everybody knows that official is used to negative every announcement without going through normal permission. Therefore, I strongly believe that this announcement which is negatived from the government is probably not correct. The degree of trust is lower than we expect. On the other hand, one of the methods to servive after GM claims bankruptcy is to open new enterprise. In addition, GM is going to leave all bad debts and take quality account to new business. But the question is, where is the capital from? Since GM announce bankruptcy, its all assets should be confiscation. How come? It does not make sense.

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