目前分類:生活瑣事 (7)

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        Few days ago, I reopened my wretch blog. Originally, I closed it because the username must be combined wretch to yahoo. However, I am used to use yahoo username because I have used it for a long time. Therefore, I only closed it. Yet few days before I reopened, I heard my friend told me that there is a choice to pick which one you prefer to. Yahoo or wretch? Suddenly, I understood. So I reopened it again. Now, my wretch blog will focus on Chinese journal and my pixnet blog will focus on English journal even though sometimes I may write Chinese journal in my pixnet blog. It is not going to influence me and change my initial plan. I do not know why I have an expectation on my wretch blog. I have no idea about that, but I actually do it. For now, writing journal has already been my everyday assignment, even assignment every week. It record my mood, my life, my happy hour, my sad hour. Everything in it. It could help me to release my pleasure in my life. Therefore, I think it is important for me to write journal even if I sometimes have no idea about my journal.

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        Today, I went to Jack B. Kelley Student Centre to listen a presentation which presented by two businessman and one professor of WTAMU. This topic is talked about how global financial crisis happen and how government or business deal with this problem. The first step in this speech is to introduce some books that we could read, and then goes to the topic. The entire process cost one hour and a quarter. I went because we can get extra point for this semester, I, otherwise, will not join this meeting. This topic includes wide range in real world. For instance, during question time, a person ask about the current biggest emerging market, such as China and India, if both of these two countries are going to be economic leader or huge growth rate in next couple of years. Most of the content surround us in present period. I strongly believe that this presentation is good to persons because it could make persons realize what is happening in the world. Actually, today's presentation is part II and part I had held last semester.

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    Yesterday, I went to Taichung with one of my best friends for lunch with another my best firend. I did not see them for a long time because this period I stayed in the United States and studied there. As a matter of fact, I miss them so much, and I called them as soon as I arrived in Taiwan. Although our original plan was went to the movie after lunch time, but we changed our mind temporarily due to the time was so late that we did not have much time to go to see the movie because someone needed to ride to home from Taichung. For this reason, we only had a lunch until 6 pm, and then we went home. I do not know when we can meet again. One of two girls I did not meet almost one and helf an year lives in a town of Taichung county. It is one of my favorite time because I can meet all of my best friends. That's why I sometimes will go to Taichung, and I like the life of Taichung. However, I hope I can meet them again, especially one of them I miss deeply even though it throughs for a couple of years; therefore, I certain that I am going to Taichung if I have a chance.

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    這個星期是Thanksgiving,火雞大餐當然是主要重點啦!說到這個火雞大餐,其實還蠻好吃的說,只是整隻的骨頭多的跟什麼似的,早在上次Homecoming Parade的時候,那天的Free Lunch就是火雞,只是那要額外付錢,事實上Free的是熱狗,當然我還是吃免費的火雞,這個會不會太過了呢!管他那麼多,不過那次的Turkey真的很大隻,大到可以當一餐了!講是這麼講啦,這次的Thanksgiving又是個忙碌的一星期,因為下下星期要Final了,但是一看到書就會想睡覺,可不唸書又不行,處在矛盾中,眼看著人人放假都在玩樂,我想只有我應該還在努力奮鬥吧!話說回來,這個Thanksgiving還真的是很冷啊,今天中午時分又只有39度的氣溫,哇~正午時分居然有這麼低的溫度,也難怪晚上都特別的冷颼颼,聽說這個週末有可能會下雪,現在才11月而已,不用這麼早就下吧!Anyway,管他天氣冷還是下雪,只要不要在我去LA或是回來Canyon的那幾天下雪就好了,不然真的班機會Delay到死吧!

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