• Jun 26 Fri 2009 11:22
  • Cheap


I don't wanna do something


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BY2_Don't Go Away-English Lyric Version

Looking through your eyes
there’s nothing to hide

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        NBA official claim couple days ago that they intend to hold oversea first-ever game in Taipei, Taiwan. When hearing this news, I feel so happy. I would like to see live NBA game, but I actually am not because I am in the United States at that moment. Watching live NBA game for international students, especially for international Taiwanese students, is kind of assignment that students have to do every year. In other words, it is necessary. Although the competitive teams are Pacers and Nugget and I do not really like both of the two teams, it is a good opportunity to watch it. Right now, it disappoints me because I am going to be out of Taipei. I never see it in the United States before and I have no chance to see. So sad even though the ticket price is very expensive. I am still willing to pay it in order to make one of my dream come true.

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Insects are less and less


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        Oh~ gosh. Stop coming into my house. I do no longer want to battle with insects and bugs every day which get in from outside. Who could kill them for me? So crazy. Does anybody have any idea about killing these insects? I would like to stop them coming into my house. Yesterday, I finally figured out how these bugs get in. They come in through the space where surround the door. The door does not exactly match the wall. There is a space where the manager always could employ to send a letter into my house. Human is clever. However, so are insects. I am going to die if I still fight with these bugs every day, every night. I need some help and solution. I have small cockroaches with different colour. I also have small spiders. I have mosquitos, also. And what is next? Please do not come anymore. I cannot tolerate.

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        Tomorry, the water will stop being provided from eight in the morning to probably at night. Because manager find someone to change our hot water system. What should I do without water? I have no idea. Perhaps I would dine out for lunch and dinner. If I cook, I would not have water to wash my dishes. How about other things? Still, I do not know. No water for toilet, no water for shower, and no water kitchen. I just hope they could finish earlier; otherwise, I may take a shower Wednesday morning if they is not going to finish changing hot water system until night. However, I predict I may not use it until the day after tomorrow because people never work effectively unless talking about money. Oh~ gosh.

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Wretch blog took some function out

I dislike it

It cause me inconvenient

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        Over past days, I talked to a person whose current job is legislator of KMT (Kuomintang) is a candidate of Tainan County. Our dialogue is about some infrastructure and how modest a well-known person should has. I do not know how I got to his wretch blog. Suddenly, I find out that the topic in his journal does suit me to discuss with him. I also understand how much Chuan-Chiao, Lee does for the residence of Tainan County. While seeing this news, it hooks me to trust our government again because the legislator did a lot of stuffs for people. I am so happy to hear that. At least I know that not all politicians did nothing for Taiwanes people. Additionally, I glad to talk to him because he would not forbid giving some comment and suggestion. Therefore, I could judge and criticize.

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My Accounting 6305 course

It's syllabus


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More information I need

More detail I would like

Information and detail

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        Today, it is time to begin my summer class. Even though it is just an online class in summer 1, I still feel stress. Whatever, I have to overcome every difficulty. It is my business and it has to be. The only benefit is that I do not need to get to school until the summer 2 course begins. At least, it may make me feel different. Therefore, I, although, have no idea about writing journal on first day. I only know that I have to because I think I need a new start in this time. New start could aid me to go through everything. Exactly, I need it because it is necessary for me to do it even if I do not know what I write and what I would like to express. Just...something's happening at this moment. That is it.

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  • May 26 Tue 2009 12:42
  • 密碼文章 Stupid

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        My preious roommate is pretty selfish. Because I moved to new apartment couple weeks ago, I would like to take the microwave oven to my new apartment. However, he told me he still needs it to microwave the meal. I said yes, but I am wrong until recent days. Why? I asked him to clean it for me after finishing microwave meal; he, however, did not do it and pretend nothing to happen. He left the dirt in microwave. What happened to his word? I do not understand at all and he never keep his word in his mind based on his selfish personality. Right now, I will not expect him who never do housework before to clean it anymore because he never put more spirit into cleaning environment let alone he may not know how much clean I would like to have. Therefore, I decide to clean it myself. Fortunately, I am getting rid of him gradually. I hate and dislike this feeling. I waited this time for a long time and I am going on waiting for the opportunity. How the hell is this person?

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        This afternoon, I went to my advisor's office to take my blue card. After that, I went to registration office to register and pay tuition. When paying tuition, I found that the tuition is so expensive because I only take one class for summer 1. It costs $1,686. It is crazy. I have no idea where our tuition is spent. The rate of unavailable computer or internet in the library is pretty high. The computers and internet are very horrible. In other words, it is out of order frequently. Each facility is also terrible to use. They spent money on building bell tower and rebuilding another new logo in the corner of the 23th Ave. Why? I think they college spent money on wrong place. That is students' money. They do not want to make all software stronger. They just want to make college good-looking. In my opinion, this action just waste students' money.

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        如同我之前所暗示的,台灣的全球競力排名,一舉大幅衰退十名,落後給中國香港新加坡,除了海島型貿易型態外,政黨惡鬥才是競爭力大幅滑落的主因!台灣的政客,應該要去設法解決,而不是把權力用在不對的地方!權力越大,就越應該謹慎行事!然而,我所看見的,卻是魯莽的行為!這種行為,一直在台灣政治圈內流串,好像鬼打牆一樣,找不到一個出口,只能任其自行流動!這實在很要不得!此外,台灣最引以為傲的IT產業以及代工項目,也因為這波的金融風暴,大幅降低了出口貿易!在國家如此一蹶不振之際,綠營陣營卻一心只想著馬政府是否賣台、是否一心倒向中國的懷抱,這種心態實在是很要不得!報告指出,由近幾年的國際競爭力排名,可看出端倪,台灣極度有可能陷入一個很難再度崛起的窘境!隨著這波的危機,國外的採購單遲遲無法像全盛時期那般,源源不絕的湧入!此外,政治不安定的因素,也都大大的降低了外資投資的信心指數!反觀中國,除了低成本(目前應該有提高趨勢)之外,最吸引外資的就是市場大與政治的穩定!現在的台灣應該是想著如何借用80年代的經濟發展計畫,去擬出一份適合現在這個環境的經濟發展計畫!當然啦~或許有很多方面是不能夠再沿用的,但為什麼就不能好好的省思呢?藍綠的惡鬥,就好像發生內戰一樣,徹底摧殘了台灣的經濟發展!如今,外資對於台灣政治不穩定的考量,已經不太可能再回到經濟奇蹟的時代那樣的大量投資!國民兩黨,實在不該如此對待的台灣,如果這就是愛台灣,那我也無話可說!經濟衰退,直接影響GDP的數值、經濟成長率,一旦長久下去,台幣的價值勢必大大委靡,難道這也是國民黨與民進黨所謂的愛台灣嗎?那我依然還是不予置評啊!到如今才又更深的了解到,原來這樣的行為舉動,才是愛台灣!而一心想為台灣好、想救台灣經濟的政策,卻被歸類為不愛台灣!試問,這樣的台灣,真的值得我們去愛嗎?如果真的只是短短幾年的亂鬥,或是民主才剛起步三年、五年,那當然還說得過去、那當然是比較Make Sense,可是台灣的民主幾年過去了?所呈現出來的結果,有比較好嗎?我看壓根就是每下愈況吧!如果較差結果顯示的同時,台灣的民主情況有逐漸好轉跡象也就算了,還可以睜一隻眼,閉一隻眼!可是現在台灣的情況,真的又能如此嗎?



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        Today, I finally move all stuffs to my new apartment, Mcaslin Apartment, from old one, La Paloma Apartment. Because of help from my friend, I done moving. Next step is to clean my living-room, kitchen, and bathroom up, but it is not today's business. I am tired. Additionally, my friend gave me a ride to Wal-Mart to purchase everyday goods. I also finally can get rid of thinking where I would rather to have lunch or dinner because I bought a lot of food and I could either cook for myself or eat outside. I have two choices to pick which one I prefer. Unlike over past couple of days, I only have one choice I could pick. It is great. Beginning tomorrow, I have to clean my room up in order to look comfortable.

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        Once I never care about who came to my blog to leave their content or message, but today, I care it. When did I change my thinking and how did I change it? Probably I just wonder whether or not someone else gave me responses, but who knows the exact answer, including me. I hate this feeling. The more I care, the more the despression and disappointment. When did it happen? I still ask myself the same question without stopping. Years ago, I might think that I write journal in order to record everything that happened in my life. However, I seem to expect something happen or someone else. The more the expectation, the more disappointment. It is an appropriate phrase to express and describe my feeling so far. Nothing is better than this phrase.

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