
        The president of the Executive Yuan, Republic of China claimed in recent days that he looked forward to rescue Taiwanese baseball and win the champion after four years. I strongly believe that this contention is more idealistic, not realistic at all. Most of the officials of Taiwan government never consider how much or how many things they could execute. They always talk a lot. Exactly, put 1.26 billion into baseball can assist baseball development, but not for entire enviorment if they still only focus on score or standing in Asia even in the world without concetrating on environment or policy changes. They have to think about what priority would be first in the policy of the environment of baseball. They think of wrong direction, always. Of course, this claim is also a joke for every Taiwanese because it would not be possible and easy to improve our baseball in ranking in next couple of years if we are really to invest 1.26 billion in baseball and this action just waste taxpayers' money. Therefore, I would like to laugh at the Executeive Yuan, Republic of China if the president insist on setting 1.26 billion into baseball. However, if the government could compel that changing policy, integrating the environment or create an more integrant criteria coincide, either Taiwanese or I surely believe this act would be useful and many people may try to support this policy and the government. Nobody will against it. That is why I propose the government to think of which policy is first, and then baseball will be developed.


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