This book is for anybody who would like to live an entrepreneurial life filled with purpose and passion needs. Although I just glance first few pages, I am interested in reading this book. First of all, a professor of the university of Standford asks her students to think about how they earn money as much possible as they can with only five dollars from the beginning. This assignment can exactly enhance students' ability to find out the different way. This assignment can also promote logical thinking. After that, students who are grouped into few teams have to present how they make money with only five dollars. It will be the best approach to stimulate persons' brain. Of course, the result shows the different ways that may differ from common methods. Probably most people may think the riskiest method with smaller reward such as purchasing lottery and gambling. However, the case this book mentioned shows another way that many people may not think of to demenstrate their result. And then, there are few teams exactly make considerable money without any expenditure. That's a good result. It also tells us that people should not limit their thinking. Enlarging the view is the most important things wherever persons are in their career or elsewhere.


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